Valuation & Advisory
Knowing the current market value of a property when leasing commercial real estate is crucial to maximizing your terms and minimizing risk on your real estate investment.
NAI Madison offers advisors with years of experience in our local markets to provide fast, accurate and reliable services that are crucial to the success of your real estate investments. We provide our clients with up-to-date pricing, market statistics, income analysis, and current market trends along with suggested strategies to position your business most effectively.
NAI Madison professionals know their markets, and are on call to provide the skills and historical data together with their recommendations based on present-day market conditions to value and position your business.
Our advisory solutions help our clients optimize flexible and lowest-risk access to global markets, talent and cross-functional cost savings. As your trusted advisor, we work strategically with your other support functions such as IT, finance, HR, legal and purchasing.
Our Valuation and Advisory services include:
- Highest and Best Use Studies
- Market Analysis
- Lease Audits and Management
- Benchmarking Studies
- Portfolio Reviews and Valuations
- Property Valuations
- Single Asset Valuation
- Bankruptcy Valuations and Turnaround
- Litigation Support Services
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- Adaptive Re-use Studies
- Auction Evaluation and Sales Potential
- Valuation of Sale Leasebacks